Why Men Stalk Their Prey (From the “outside” looking in)

A gay man, not seen by the ruling society as a real man, I vocally record a story of why Men peruse women so aggressively, quietly, listen closely. Superman laying at the end of the bed facing me as I sit on the floor beneath, bouncing, eyes closed, reciting like spoken word poetry:

Why men stalk their prey.

I know in this day and age, we as humans have inhabited this earth for so many years. It’s crazy when you think about it, how so many things have changed. How so many things have stayed the same.

Why men stalk their prey.

Even in Neanderthal days, you know, those Hunter-Gathering “humans.” Even men did all the.. Current event lioness things.

Why men stalk their prey.

I’m taking you through a time stream. Slowly, little by little, revealing the complete make-up of our patriarchal history. How women have been so oppressed, the word has lost all its power from being carried so long. People don’t even take them serious, well, were they taken serious ever at all?

Why men stalk their prey.

Even in the Roman age, women were sold like chattel. Black, white, Indians, all complain of past destruction. But women? Women were the first slaves.

Why men stalk their prey.

Because they grew up and were taught to be the lesser, in every aspect. shame, am I the only one who finds this strange?

Why men stalk their prey.

Women have always had to fight to be heard. So complex as a sex, they even battle within their own circles. You have the women who were raised to be submissive by nature, and you have those who were cultured into wanting something better.

Makes you hopeful when you think about it, don’t it?

Why men stalk their prey.

Taught from generation to generation. Even in the gay culture, men most of the time still look down on women. They’re losing in every aspect when you think about it.

Why men stalk their prey.

Subliminally, men want to be chased exactly like they would want to be. You have to understand: men are truly the weaker sex. Because in order for “us” to survive, we must have someone stroking our ego. Pride. No justification involved in this, I am only a simple gay man, completely uninterested in the opposite sex, but my innate masculine desires in conjunction with sincerity, I just want to be honest, giving you only a glimpse into the “meat head” mentality.

Society demands that we be tough, even in the animal kingdom battling for power, blood.

Why men stalk their prey?

Because if you stalked them, they would love it. Sickening when you think about it, huh?

Why men stalk their prey?

You tell me. Because honestly, you’ll never understand it, no matter what I say.

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